Monday, December 6, 2010

PLN 23

I watched Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world and he was talking about collecting information donated by individual efforts, globally and locally, through media representation on public internet sites, mobile technology, and other forms of public access media, and then mapping that information to then aggregate and conceptualize societal trends and formulate opinions based on those trends, which he refers to as “cognitive surplus” (although, surplus would be defined as excessive), will, in his opinion, create some kind of global change.  This matters to me because if more and more people start trying to work on things getting better, and this information is provided to them via media sites, then that could change my whole future.  This matters to education because public and private schools could get help and get money to work better and to have a higher budget to hire better teachers.  This matters to the world because if more people use this cognitive surplus (meaning extra) then the situation the world is in right now could get better. Surplus can make better things happen.  Go surplus!

PLN 22

I read Man Killed in one-vehicle crash near Copper Mtn., by Denver Post, and it said that a 33-year-old Leadville man was killed in an accident, and that he had possibly been drinking, and he was not wearing a seatbelt.  This matters to me because I want to know how to be safe on the road when I start driving.  This matters to education because students get into accidents all the time whether it's because of drinking or texting or other similarly stupid activities while driving.  This matters to the world because everyone needs to find better ways to keep each other safe while driving because most people are just awful drivers.  Cars can be very dangerous so we need to know how to keep each other safe.  

PLN 21

I watched RSA Animate-Changing Education Paradigms, by RSA, and it told about all the problems and epidemics of education.  It explained the background for why and how the public education system was founded, and discussed the many ways and reasons why this system is no longer relevant, and requires an overhaul.  This matters to me because I am a student in the public school system, and if education was made more relevant to our current society, it might change my life.  This matters to education because if everyone thinks the same, never updating values to current standards of living, then people aren't getting better, they are staying the same while education deteriorates because it isn't keeping up either, and the human race can't progress. This matters to the world because if the whole education system in America changes and the world is linked together, then our global society is going to have to make changes and the whole economical situation might and should change for the better. Education is crucial to progress, and it will create change if we repair the way we are doing it.  

PLN 20

I read Drawing on my (family) past, by David Warlick, and what this blog entry was about is that he is questioning how we might draw on our ancestor's livelihoods to bring value to our daily lives.  This matters to me because my ancestors may have been farmers that helped with the land.  This matters to education because to discover our family's ties to specific land and locales is critical to understanding our connection to ourselves and our society, and education benefits with our understanding of ourselves.   This matters to the world because I think that basically everyone's ancestors somewhere back were farmers, since land was vast and not being used.  Knowing our history, we can move on with our future.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I read Boulder Humane Society wins national contest, by the Denver Post, and it says that the Boulder Humane Society won first place ($100,000) from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals by adopting out the most animals in a three month period.  This matters to me because I got my dog, Riley, from the Boulder Humane Society.  This matters to education because schools could benefit by the influx of money into our local economy. This matters to the world because we, as a species, should be conscious of other species and their needs.  


I read Lost in Electronica, by George F. Will, and he was saying that everything that boys do, like watch TV shows, play video games, and talk on the phone, makes boys believe they are bored, but he believes they may be just over-stimulated.  This matters to me because if this is true, than it's not that teachers are just terrible and boring, I am just over-stimulated, IF it's true.  This matters to education for the same basic reason, because boys won't pay attention and we use forms of media in education so this hypothesis would have an effect on school.  This matters to the world because we are globally connected and reliant on the media he is trashing.  I don't believe that the media is to blame for our boredom.